Learn to sew

Beginners sewing course

If you've ever wanted to start sewing but are overwhelmed by all of the on-line information and would like it to be simplified for you, guiding you step-by-step through the basics with easy to follow instructions, including videos and helpful tools.......then look no further.......this is the course for you.

Module 1 

How to use your sewing machine

In this module you'll learn how to use your sewing machine and sew a straight line of stitching.

Module 2

Sewing terms & definitions

In this module you'll learn the different terms & definitions used in sewing. You'll know your bobbins from your unpicker in no time at all.

Module 3 

How to choose fabric

In this module you'll look at different types of fabrics and how to understand what projects they will be suitable for. This will help you save time and money in future by choosing suitable fabrics.

Module 4 

Make a tote bag

In this module you'll make your first project which is a basic tote bag.

Module 5 

Make a cushion cover

In this module you'll make a cushion cover.

Module 6 

Make a skirt

In this module you'll make a skirt and learn how to take your own measurements so that it fits you perfectly.

This course will teach you how to start sewing with confidence and making projects within days. The course, including all 6 videos and 3 pdf patterns, costs £49.

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