
Bluebell Rabbit pattern (paper copy)

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Product Details

Bluebell Rabbit sewing pattern has step-by-step sewing instructions and full size pattern pieces making it a delight to sew. There are 13 pages of instructions including 30+ clear photographs and illustrations which will guide you effortlessly through the process of bringing Bluebell Rabbit to life.

Bluebell Rabbit has been designed with movable arms and legs using a unique system hidden inside the body so that there are no buttons or fastenings on show. This produces a truly professional finish that is easy to create following our simple instructions.

Unlock your creativity, learn new skills and have fun as you create a beautiful, timeless, heirloom rabbit with your love sewn into every stitch. Even if you're new to sewing , this pattern will make it simple and stress free. Treasure Bluebell Rabbit for yourself or pass her onto someone else to love.

There will always be plenty of willing friends and relatives waiting to give Bluebell Rabbit a loving home.

Bluebell Rabbit stands approximately 39cm tall when complete.


Bluebell Rabbit is not just a handmade, heirloom character, she has a story all of her own. To make this rabbit extra special, there is a beautiful biography ‘All About Bluebell Rabbit’, written by my daughter Grace Walters, included with this purchase. This can be kept as a keepsake or included along with the finished rabbit if she is given as a gift. This makes Bluebell Rabbit a truly unique, handmade rabbit with her own character and story.

This is a paper copy of the pattern and instructions which will be posted to you.

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